TL -704-

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries

Centuries - Fall Out Boy

Belt chest: (epia) - Auxiliary Chest Belt NEW 
Lantern: (epia) - Grim Lantern  NEW 
Cage: (epia) - Raven Bird Cage  NEW 
Skin: -Labyrinth- Red Skin (Dark) NEW 
Hair: *ARGRACE* TAKUMI - Blacks
Scars: Corvus : Cheek Scars
Cigarette: [NikotiN]    Cuba_Premium
Pants: FitMesh - HipHopJeans+Belt - BOLD / Blue - REDGRAVE
Boots: [NikotiN] SplitRock  RARE

Pose: [Expressive Poses] - Derick