TL -689-

Feels like a close, it's coming to
Fuck am I gonna do?
It's too late to start over
This is the only thing I, thing I know

Guts Over Fear (Feat. Sia) - Eminem


Sandals: Glamistry - ANEMUNA Heels NEW 
Ring: [Z O O M] Hot Bunny Rings NEW 
Skin: Deesses Skin Jamila - cold milk (applicator for body slink and wowmeh)
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hair: +elua+ Ursula_Lightblonde
Eyelashes: ::Enchanted Ink:: [ Destiny Eyelashes]
Dress: RAMA - Jersey Drawcord Waist Dress  'Berry Red' Trend Fashion Fair
Tattoo feet: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Dark Frame
Tattoo leg: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Sex OldWest

Pose: [AbsolutA] Poses - Monochromatic Fair Model - 01


Pants: [Cynful] Skinny Jeans - Curvy Add on NEW 
Shirt: ~Sassy!~ Krush tank top - pink - NEW The Big Show
Sandals: [R3] - Vaelia Heels [V3] NEW 
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Eshe Bronze
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body
Hair: [LeLutka]-MAGDALEN pony - Bournville
Eyes: [ S H O C K ] MesmerEYES Leopard RARE
Lip: Pink Acid Overly Transparent Lip Gloss - Neptune

Pose: Purple Poses - Model