TL -584-

I didn't even plan on being out tonight
But you
You blew my mind to pieces
Girl you're dynamite

Wildfire - Julian Perretta

Skin: -Labyrinth- Spear Skin (Pale) appliers hands and feet
Boonie: 7mad;Ravens CoolCapDaddy Boonie MOH4 June 1st to 15th 2014
Tattoo: SOURIRES TATTOOS. - Oceano TATTOO MOH4 June 1st to 15th 2014
Bracelet: Uncut Cross Bracelet - Shaved Wood
Shirt: ::K:: My Daily Tank Top Heather Gray MOH4 June 1st to 15th 2014
Short: [ tomboi ] Saturday Shorts - Black MOH4 June 1st to 15th 2014
Sandals: FLite. -Bahama Desert Sandals

Pose: [Expressive Poses] - Austin