TL -572-

I've been lookin for someone
Tryna find the right boy to wear on my arm
I must admit it, you simply fit it
You were like a cut above the rest that's why you winning
And every night when I close my eyes I can see you

Boyfriend Material - Ariana Grande

Skin: [ S H O C K ] Margot Skin Nuit, Peche and Porcelain NEW Group Gift
Appliers (Lolas Tango, Slink Hands & Feet, Phat Azz, Wowmeh mesh body)
4 brow shades (blonde, black, red, brown)
Eyes: [KoKoLoReS] Eyes - My Heart in my Eyes - red NEW The Theme Park
Unicorn: NS::  Unicorn Mesh (NS::  Pink Lips/ NS::  Unicorn Headband)  NEW Funny Puppet Fair
Toast: NS::  Toast Mesh (I<3U) NEW Funny Puppet Fair
Shirt: NS::  Panda Sweater With Shirt NEW Cosmopolitan Room
Leg: Corvus : Unisex Cyborg Leg NEW
Sandals: EMPORIUM - Straps Shoes  Slink Mid Feet NEW OMG Room
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Elyse -  browns
Short: [NV] Soley Shorts Used washed Denim
Phone: [7891.] Mickey Iphone 5C - RARE Soho Market
Ring: .PANIK. - CityScapes Ring- Black
Ring: .PANIK. - DisMousey Ring- Silver
Cat: Alchemy/Birdy - Sassy Cat - B - Snow The chapter four 

Pose: Focus Poses Model 132