TL -543-

You got something I need
In this world full of people, there's one killing me
And if we only die once
I wanna die with you
You got something I need
In this world full of people, there's one killing me
And if we only die once
I wanna die with you

Something I Need - OneRepublic


Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Leilani Bronze NEW Spring Break Fair
Shirt: [:: JesyDream ::] California Shirt Orange NEW The Monochromatic Fair
Short: [:: JesyDream ::] Cotton Short Bisque 2 versions NEW The Monochromatic Fair
Bag: [.LAYOVER.] Bubble Backpack [Orange] Kustom9
Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Mana" (Brown diamond)
Ears: Una Glam Bunny Ears Gold RARE
Glasses: [Z O O M] Monochromatic Sunglass The Monochromatic Fair
Sandals: *MC* Sandals - Malesia Milk - he Monochromatic Fair


Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Leilani Milk NEW Spring Break Fair
Shirt: [:: JesyDream ::] Miami Shirt Orange NEW The Monochromatic Fair
Short: [:: JesyDream ::] Cotton Short Bisque 2 versions NEW The Monochromatic Fair
Hair: *ARGRACE* SAKURA - Baby Blonde
Glasses: [Z O O M] Monochromatic Sunglass The Monochromatic Fair
Sandals: MG - Sandals - Ibiza Summer Beaded The Monochromatic Fair

Pose: Purple Poses - Couple 357 NEW The Monochromatic Fair