TL -532-

Sundays sitting on your back porch
And I came armed with a couple of chords
And I played for you.
You let me keep you entertained
With stories I exaggerate
That you know aren't true
And as you sit there making daisy chains
And I throw in a hand grenade
And tell you how it is I really feel for you.

Postcards - James Blunt

Pants: [Pumpkin] Sweatpants (grey; black striped) NEW 
Hair:    Sid-Hair    Black
Skin: >> Aeros Avatar Andreas << 2013a
Eyes: -Labyrinth- Natural Eyes - Deep Chocolate
Beard: -NIVARO- Beards - gruff_heavy_black
Sweatshirt: flow . Sweatshirt T - tied around waist
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Male - Relax
Wrist: flow . Wrist [plain]
Necklace: .Pekka. Razor cross necklace -Black/Silver - Unisex
Shoes: * .:: deeR ::. * MESH higher HW shoes

Pose: [Expressive Poses] - Jimmy