TL -711-

Chasing summer
All that we got is our heartbeats
And the air we breathe
The air we breathe

Love Louder (Style Of Eye Remix) - John Martin

Hair: *ARGRACE* AZUSA - Dark Browns NEW 
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Aurora Slink Visage applier NEW 
Walkman: [geek.] Geekman Sport White NEW 
Ring: [geek.] My Favorite Shade Ring Silver NEW 
Tie hand: [geek.] Basic Training Tie Black NEW 
Phone: MyPhone // MUSCHI
Ring: Eclat - Chevron Ring
Ring: Eclat - Cross Ring
Bracelet: Eclat - Friendship Chain Bracelets/Gold
Ring: Eclat - Multiset
Vest: B.C.C Lazy afternoon safari vest set [F] Black TMD
Boots: Tee*fy Chelsea Boots White RARE The Arcade Gacha