TL -700-

Kentucky, you are the dearest 
land outside of heaven to me
Kentucky, I miss your laurels 
and your redbud trees

Kentucky - Billie Joe + Norah


Piercing: [geek.] Geek Freak Piercing Bloggers Black NEW Limited for Totally Top Shelf
Shirt: [R3] - Emalyn Shirt [V2] NEW 
Tattoo: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Crows Dream NEW OMG ROOM
Phone: [TNG] myPhone 2.13 -
Skin: ::Modish:: Marlee Skins [skt03]
Hair: *booN NYN116 hair brown/mat/chestnut
Short: [NV] Soley Shorts Used washed Denim
Sandals: Maitreya Gold * Plum * Antheia Sandal

Pose: Purple Poses - Model


Sandals: Glamistry - ANGELICA Heels NEW 
Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Dreadlocks series - Monk Hair
Skin: * Morphine : Jade Peach Skintone (Bundle)
Shirt: SD *KIlana* Black Trend Fashion Fair 3 rnd
Leggings: [FORMIS DESIGNE] LEGGINGS BLACK Trend Fashion Fair 3 rnd

Pose: :: Focus Poses Model 132 ::