TL -636-

Inflatable pool full of dad's hot air
I was three years old
Splashin' everywhere
And so began my love affair
With water

Water - Brad Paisley

Hair: [LeLutka]-LUMEN hair Group Gift
Skin/Shape: Bad Seed Boutique - Baby Allison
Bracelet: pr!tty - Floral Bracelet - Gift
Umbrella: [MotiAme] Umbrella Bunny - Black Gacha

Look 1

 Outfiti: FK- Cute Yellow Set Owl NEW 

Look 2

 Outfiti: FK- Brown Fluffy Set Peppa NEW 
Sandals: Noodles - Savannah Sandals White

Look 3

 Outfiti: FK- Blue and Yellow Set AdventureTime NEW