TL -323-

Lipstick on my cigarette
How you used to hug the bed
The little shit that I can't forget
I wonder where you are
Still got your apartment key
Voice mails that I can't delete
Man I miss how it used to be
I wonder where you are

I reminisce with the stars tonight
And think of how we knew them all by name
But they don't shine half as bright
Ever since you walked away

Back Together - Jesse McCartney



Top: NS:: Mesh Wings Top NEW
Gloves: [R3] - Jaimy Gloves NEW
Pants: [R3] - Kacey Frills Panties NEW
Shoes: [R3] - Bailey Wedges NEW
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Daisy Skin
Hair: Magika [03] Dusty
Piercing: :Hebenon Vial: Against the Stream [Ink]*Mesh*
Teeth: Teeth-space REDGRAVE
Glasses: Heartless - Round Cat Sunglasses  -  SL Fashion Week 16 - 22 august 2013
Lips: MY UGLYDOROTHY -Baby Lips for Friend SL Fashion Week 16 - 22 august 2013
Piercing: Cute Poison - Tsukimi Piercings SL Fashion Week 16 - 22 august 2013
Bracelet: PP -  Riu Spiked Bracelets SL Fashion Week 16 - 22 august 2013
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hand Relax


Skin: -NIVARO- James Skin - creamtone -
Hair: *ARGRACE* Peyton - Dark Browns 
Facialhair: ::M-Arc Mirror:: Realistic Full Beard 2
Piercing: .Pekka. Canion Unisex Piercing - SILVER
Reamer: Cobrahive - "Gauged" Plug earrings [mono]
Bracelet: Uncut Cross Bracelet - Shaved Wood
Bracelet: AITUI - Envy None Bracelet
Hands: [CheerNo] Hands_V3_#4
Shirt: {Sleepy Eddy} Laceup Denim Shirt (Blue)
Short: ::Fe Style:: Ripped Denim Shorts/Black.Belt (Blue)
Sandals: RONSEM* male Sandals

Purple Poses - Luma SL Fashion Week 16 - 22 august 2013
:: Focus Poses Rock Male Set ::
[Expressive Poses] - Mark




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