TL -156-

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
Forever young
There's nothing that a hundred men or more
Could ever do
Forever young
Just like the rains down in Africa
Forever young
I will be right here waiting for you

Somewhere Ohne Kompass - Mashup Germany

Skin: [Hush] - June Skin - Group Gift
Hair: [LeLutka] -ALICE hair
Outfit: Luas NIKITA BROWN - with lola applier NEW
Nails: :AE: Appliers for SLINK Hands Finger Nails
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet


Tie: Kauna - 3pc Accessories Pack: Plain #1
Shirt: Kauna - 3pc Shirt: Plaid Red
Pants: Kauna - 3pc Suit: Plaid Coco
Skin: -NIVARO- Baptiste Skin - creamtone -
Beard: -Nivaro- BEARDS - 10. Trimmed Beard
Hair: *Dura-Boys&Girls*23(Black)
Glasses: Mesh Sunglasses
Hands: [CheerNo] Hands_V3_#4
Facial Hair: ::M-Arc Mirror:: Realistic Full Beard 2
Shoes: iNEDIT-Footwear

Poses: Purple Poses
PURPLE POSES - Couple 255 Numberology event. June 1st - June 15
Purple Poses - Savannah NEW
Purple Poses - LEON NEW



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